Treat the Earth well. For it was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. - Kenyan Proverb
Sustainability and Impact
In 1987, the UN World Commission on Environment and Development’s report, Our Common Future also known as the Brundtland Report defined “sustainable development” as...
About Us
Specializing in SRI and Impact Investing since 1999, Krista Strohoffer is a licensed Financial Advisor, CFP, AIF
. She helps her clients identify their financial goals and dreams and develop a strategy to reach them.
Krista Strohoffer is a licensed financial advisor. She helps her clients identify their goals and dreams and develop a strategy to reach them. These goals might include a comfortable retirement, education savings, or a first time home purchase.
During this process, Krista spends a great deal of time educating her clients. She believes that knowledge is power and that with financial knowledge comes financial freedom. Krista is also a firm believer that everyone deserves and can benefit from professional financial advice, regardless of their net worth or investable assets.
Krista has specialized in Sustainable and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) since 1999. When selecting investments, SRI looks beyond the financials to include the environmental, social and governance (ESG) records of a particular investment.
How a company treats its employees, its community, the environment and the consumers of its products sheds light on how well that company is managed and how well that company is likely to compete in the long term. These non-financial variables are ESG variables.
In 2005 the Asset Management Working Group (AMWG) of the United Nations Environmental Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) commissioned the law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer to write a report entitled A Legal Framework for the Integration of Environmental, Social and Governance Issues into Institutional Investment. Referred to as the
"Freshfields Report" it stated that
“…integrating ESG considerations into an investment analysis so as to more reliably predict financial performance is clearly permissible and is arguably required.”